3. Connect your station to onocoy

Get your station connected to the onocoy system with these easy steps.

Create an account

Head over to the explorer, click on Sign up and create yourself a user account. You will be notified when your account is activated.

Create credentials for your station

Go to Reference Stations and select the tab „NTRIP Credentials“. Click on „Add new credential“. Select a password and add a description about how and where you are using these credentials, if you like. Note: the username will be generated automatically.

Create new credentials for each station that you would like to connect. If you have reached your credential limit, feel free to message us at support@onocoy.com telling us your account email address and your plans for expansion.

Head back to your receiver firmware

On the receiver side, make sure to follow these steps:

Enable NTRIP server functionality for NTRIP 2.0 devices (see instructions NTRIP 1.0 below)

  • Configure the NTRIP caster to point to servers.onocoy.com, port 2101.

  • For the mountpoint name, you can choose any alphanumeric text you like. This is only informative and will show up in your dashboard, not publicly. It will also help you identify which server device is which.

  • For username and password, enter the credentials for your device as created in Step 2.

Enable the right NTRIP messages

  • Enable RTCM3, MSM Messages 1005, 1077, 1087, 1097, 1117, 1127, 1137 and 1230 in the reference station receiver.

    • onocoy supports MSM4/5/6/7 messages

  • Activate them to be sent out at 1Hz rate (except for message 1005, which can be configured for a much lower rate, for example once every 30 seconds).

  • Enable all GNSS constellations and bands the receiver supports. Typically, receivers are preconfigured to this already.

NTRIP 1.0 devices

  • For NTRIP 1.0-only devices (for example ESP32 XBee based units such as Ardusimple NTRIP servers), please enter the NTRIP username as MOUNTPOINT and password into the password field. Leave the device's username field, if any, empty.

You are good to go!

Go back to the explorer. After one minute you should see a new entry under NTRIP Servers and its location on the map. You should also see live operational parameters of the station you just have configured.

Last updated